Data Dictionary

Historic Preservation Overlay District


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Boundary of the Historic Preservation Overlay District (HPOD), as depicted on a plan on file with the Town Clerk.


The Historic Preservation Overlay District (HPOD) was established to 1) encourage the preservation and continued use of buildings and structures of historic and architectural significance and also to 2) encourage the adaptive re-use of such buildings and structures by broadening and modifying use and dimensional regulations that may otherwise impede historic and architectural preservation efforts.

The HPOD is established as a district that overlays the underlying districts, so that any parcel of land lying in the HPOD shall also lie in one or more of the other zoning districts in which it was previously classified, as provided for in this Zoning By-Law. Land, building, and structures in the HPOD may be used for all purposes permitted as of right or by special permit in the underlying district, and all requirements of the underlying district shall remain in full force and effect, except as may be specifically superseded herein.

Last Update



Coordinate System

NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 Feet


Town of Dedham, MA GIS Division

Use Limitations

For planning purposes only.

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