Data Dictionary

Assessor Table - FY2015


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Extract of the Town of Dedham Assessor's database.


M073Assess is an extract of the assessor's database. This table will relate to M073TaxPar using the LOC_ID field to provide descriptive information about individual parcels. A parcel in M073TaxPar may link to more than one record in M073Assess, and features in M073TaxPar that do not have a corresponding tax record will not link to any record in M073Assess. Only entity attributes are listed in this metadata. Please see the TaxPar feature class (or M073TaxPar.shp) for all other information.

Last Update



NameType DetailsDescription
PROP_ID type: String
width: 30
precision: 0
Unlike most other attributes, this attribute may not come directly from the assessor’s database. It may sometimes be constructed from information typically found in multiple columns in the assessor’s database . It must be unique within the city or town (character, 18; cannot be null).
LOC_ID type: String
width: 18
precision: 0
This identifier is specific to the MassGIS parcel mapping standard. It appears in three places: as an attribute of the parcel file, in the intersection table at Level II and in a field in the assessor list extract. The LOC_ID is a unique identifier for parcels. It is created by combining a letter identifying the units of the coordinates from which the identifier is created ( “F” for units of US Survey Feet and “M” for meters; Massachusetts State Plane System, NAD83 datum) with X and Y coordinate values of a point that lies within the polygon. The creation of a centroid point within each polygon can be automated, except that care must be taken with U-shaped parcels and with multi-part polygons that the point actually falls within the polygon. The letter indicating the units and the X and Y coordinate values of the point are then appended together, each separated by a single underscore character ("_"); coordinate values after the decimal point are truncated. This creates the LOC_ID. Examples of LOC_IDs look like this: F_552984_2956780 or M_168529_901230.
BLDG_VAL type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
Current assessed value for the main building(s) on the property (number, 9)
LAND_VAL type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
Current assessed value for land (number, 9)
OTHER_VAL type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
Other structures or physical improvements that are separately valued (number, 9)
TOTAL_VAL type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
Current total assessed value for land and structures. Because some databases include other categories of valuation not included above, this may not represent the total of the fields above (number, 9).
FY type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 0
Fiscal year of assessed value formatted as YYYY (number, 4; cannot null)
LOT_SIZE type: Double
width: 8
precision: 0
Deed area in EITHER square feet OR acres, but not both (number, 11,2)
LS_DATE type: String
width: 8
precision: 0
Last sale date formatted as YYYYMMDD (number, 8)
LS_PRICE type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
Last sale price
USE_CODE type: String
width: 4
precision: 0
State three digit use code with optional extension digit to accommodate the four-digit codes commonly used by assessors (character, 4). If the codes contain a four-digit use code, because the meaning of the fourth digit varies from community-to-community, the standard requires a lookup table called MxxxUC_LUT
SITE_ADDR type: String
width: 80
precision: 0
this field will contain the complete original site address as listed in the tax record (character, 80).
ADDR_NUM type: String
width: 12
precision: 0
– this field will contain address number information, either a single house number with suffix (e.g., 25, 103 ½ or 12A) or a range of numbers (e.g., 12-16 or 12A–12B).
FULL_STR type: String
width: 60
precision: 0
this field will contain the full street name, which may be stored in separate fields in the assessor database. Note that additional, secondary location information should not be stored in this field, but the standard does not require parsing and eliminating such content (character, 60).
LOCATION type: String
width: 60
precision: 0
this is the place to put secondary location information. Frequently, descriptors such as “Side”, “South Side”, “Rear”, “Basement” as well as building and unit descriptors such as “#1” or “Unit A” are found in assessor data.
CITY type: String
width: 25
precision: 0
city or town where the property is located
ZIP type: String
width: 10
precision: 0
zip code where the property is located, if available
OWNER1 type: String
width: 80
precision: 0
Name of first owner of record
OWN_ADDR type: String
width: 80
precision: 0
– the complete owner mailing address, including the street number, name, etc. This is not the site address, rather it is the address to which the tax bill is sent, thus it may include PO Boxes, out-of-state addresses and other entries which would not be allowed in the site address field. If this field is blank then the site address and the owner’s mailing address are presumed to be the same.
OWN_CITY type: String
width: 25
precision: 0
the city for the property owner’s address
OWN_STATE type: String
width: 2
precision: 0
for US addresses, the state where the property owner lives, using the postal service abbreviations for state
OWN_ZIP type: String
width: 10
precision: 0
the zip code of the owner’s address
OWN_CO type: String
width: 30
precision: 0
the country where the owner lives
LS_BOOK type: String
width: 16
precision: 0
Last sale Registry of Deeds book
LS_PAGE type: String
width: 14
precision: 0
Last sale Registry of Deeds page
REG_ID type: String
width: 15
precision: 0
this is the equivalent to Registry of Deeds book and page information but for registered or probate land
ZONING type: String
width: 8
precision: 0
this is the code to indicate the zoning district within which the property lies not including overlay zoning districts
YEAR_BUILT type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 0
format YYYY; this is an extremely important attribute for any kind of planning analysis of growth trends or for change detection
BLD_AREA type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
Building area (square feet) for commercial/industrial properties as defined by the
UNITS type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 0
Number of living/dwelling units
RES_AREA type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
– Total residential living area in square feet (not gross building area) as defined by the assessor (e.g., this may or may not include only heated space). This is a useful attribute when evaluating development proposals relative to surrounding residences, but a difficult one to create because it may require adding areas from multiple fields in the assessor’s database.
STYLE type: String
width: 20
precision: 0
code indicating style of structure (“colonial”, “ranch” etc.)
STORIES type: String
width: 6
precision: 0
the number of stories assigned by the assessor to each structure
NUM_ROOMS type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 0
the number of rooms identified by the assessor
LOT_UNITS type: String
width: 1
precision: 0
This identifies the deed area units in the LOT_SIZE field: “S” for square feet and “A” for acres. This field will typically have to be added to comply with the standard
CAMA_ID type: Integer
width: 4
precision: 0
the unique, typically arbitrary sequential number that is the internal record identifier in the assessing database
TOWN_ID type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 0
MassGIS unique town ID. Alpha 1-351 excluding Aquinnah wich has ben inserted in the sequence (104) as its old name, Gay Head

Coordinate System


MassGIS; Town of Dedham, MA

Use Limitations

For planning purposes only.

Legal Constraints

The Town of Dedham makes no warranty in regard to the data whatsoever, including, but not limited to, a warranty of the accuracy of the data or publications. The Town has no liability arising from incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading data provided. The Town makes no warranties of fitness or merchantability either express or implied in regard to the data or publications provided hereunder. The data or publications provided are provided “as is”. All maps or other documents produced using the data supplied by the Town must contain a data source credit, prominently displayed, such as “GIS data supplied by the Town of Dedham”.

Also, a disclaimer statement shall be attached or displayed stating: “The Town of Dedham makes no claims, no representations and no warranties, express or implied, concerning the validity (expressed or implied), the reliability or the accuracy of the GIS data furnished by the Town, including the implied validity of any uses of such data”.

