Data Dictionary

Look Up Table - FY 2015


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Lookup table for the most common domains for values in the MISC_TYPE field in M073Misc and LEGAL_TYPE in M073OthLeg.


M073_LUT is a table that contains the most common domains for values in the MISC_TYPE field in MxxxMisc and LEGAL_TYPE in M073OthLeg.

Last Update



NameType DetailsDescription
TOWN_ID type: SmallInteger
width: 2
precision: 0
Town-ID from MassGIS towns data layer
FIELD_NM type: String
width: 10
precision: 0
Specifies field (LEGAL_TYPE or MISC_TYPE) in which code is used
CODE type: String
width: 20
precision: 0
Code for LEGAL_TYPE or MISC_TYPE code
CODE_DESC type: String
width: 80
precision: 0
Definition of the code

Coordinate System


Town of Dedham, MA GIS Division; Applied Geographics, Boston, MA

Use Limitations

For planning purposes only.

Legal Constraints

The Town of Dedham makes no warranty in regard to the data whatsoever, including, but not limited to, a warranty of the accuracy of the data or publications. The Town has no liability arising from incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading data provided. The Town makes no warranties of fitness or merchantability either express or implied in regard to the data or publications provided hereunder. The data or publications provided are provided “as is”. All maps or other documents produced using the data supplied by the Town must contain a data source credit, prominently displayed, such as “GIS data supplied by the Town of Dedham”.

Also, a disclaimer statement shall be attached or displayed stating: “The Town of Dedham makes no claims, no representations and no warranties, express or implied, concerning the validity (expressed or implied), the reliability or the accuracy of the GIS data furnished by the Town, including the implied validity of any uses of such data”.

